This Christmas, get yourself a new electric scooter from Hypertoyz Inc

Hey, this is Pamela from the USA. Here, I am going to share my experience of my first two-wheeler purchase! This is going to be a pretty long but hope; it won’t be that boring to go through. Actually, being a girl I have always been a bit stand-out type, what people say tomboyish. The two-wheeler rides have always attracted me, it actually free and fun feeling the dash of air in your hair. And oh yes! The ‘va va vroom’, it has driven me crazy all the time. So, I made my mind to buy a two-wheeler (though my mom and dad didn’t encourage me at all). Well, by the way, I would love to declare myself as an environmentally conscious person. So, I felt like a sleek electric scooter will suit my personality the best. To speak the truth, I have never been an internet freak person and I was actually, didn’t sure if I will really be OK with an online purchase. I never felt excited about this kind of ‘passive’ type of shopping. But, as per my best friend Nina’s suggestion about Hyperto...